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Stacks the columns of a matrix one on top of the other to covert a population vector organized by patches into a population vector organized by stages and vice versa.

For use in spatial matrix population models described by Hunter and Caswell (2005) and Lebreton (1996).


vec.perm(n_stages, n_patches, group_by = c("patches", "stages"))



The number of stages (rows) in the metapopulation state matrix N.


The number of patches (columns) in the metapopulation state matrix N.


The structural form of the population vector `n` as either "patches" or "stages".


The population vector n can be written in two ways: by patches or by stages. If modeling demography then dispersal, it is convenient to construct n by patches. If modeling dispersal then demography, it is convenient to construct n by stages. Please refer to Hunter and Caswell (2005) for details.

For convenience, the argument `group_by` is used to properly construct the vec-permutation matrix correctly.


Becker, R. A., Chambers, J. M. and Wilks, A. R. (1988). The New S Language. Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole.

Wootton, J.T., and Bell, D.A. (1992). A metapopulation model of the peregrine falcon in California: viability and management strategies. Ecological Applications 2:307--321.

Lebreton, J. D. (1996). Demographic models for subdivided populations: the renewal equation approach. Theoretical Population Biology 49:291--313.

Caswell, H. (2001). Matrix Population Models: Construction, analysis, and interpretation (2nd ed.). Sinauer Associates.

Morris, W. F., and Doak, D. F. (2003). Quantitative Conservation Biology: Theory and practice of population viability analysis. Sinauer Associates.

Hunter, C. M. and Caswell, H. (2005). The use of vec-permutation matrix in spatial matrix population models. Ecological Modelling 188:15--21.


# Peregrine falcon example from Hunter and Caswell (2005), data from Wootton
# and Bell (1992).

# Define the number of patches and stages
n_patches <- 2  # northern = 1x; southern = 2x
n_stages <- 2  # juvenile = x1; adult = x2
group_by <- "patches"

# Construct vec-permutation matrix
P <- vec.perm(n_stages, n_patches, group_by)