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Deconstructs a block matrix into component matrices.


unblk.diag(blk_matrix, dimensions)



List of matrices, separated by commas, for constructing the block diagonal matrix.


Number of stages (n_stages) or patches (n_patches), depending on if a demographic or movement (dispersal) block matrix is being decomposed.


# Peregrine falcon example from Hunter and Caswell (2005), data from Wootton
# and Bell (1992). Continues example from
# `vec.perm`.

# Define the number of patches and stages
n_patches <- 2  # northern = 1x; southern = 2x
n_stages <- 2  # juvenile = x1; adult = x2
group_by <- "patches"

# Construct vec-permutation matrix
P <- vec.perm(n_stages, n_patches, group_by)

# Demographic parameter values
# Northern
f11 <- 0.00  # only adults reproduce
f12 <- 0.26
s11 <- 0.72
s12 <- 0.77
# Southern
f21 <- 0.00
f22 <- 0.19  
s21 <- 0.72
s22 <- 0.77

# Demography matrices for patches
B1x <-
  matrix(c(f11, f12, s11, s12),
         nrow = 2,
         byrow = TRUE)
B2x <-
  matrix(c(f21, f22, s21, s22),
         nrow = 2,
         byrow = TRUE)
# Demography block matrix construction
BB <- blk.diag(list(B1x, B2x))

# Dispersal parameter values
dx1 <- 0.27  # only juveniles disperse
dx2 <- 1 - dx1
# Dispersal matrices for stages
Mx1 <- matrix(c(dx2, dx1, dx1, dx2), nrow = n_patches, byrow = TRUE)
Mx2 <- diag(x = 1, nrow = n_patches, ncol = n_patches)  # no dispersal by adults
# Dispersal block matrix construction
MM <- blk.diag(list(Mx1, Mx2))

matlist <- unblk.diag(MM, n_patches)
#> Error in unblk.diag(MM, n_patches): object 'n_stages' not found